Tak! commented on Litany for a Broken World by Karen Conlin
Happy Book Birthday to me.
Now it's up to the vagaries of luck & timing. I've done everything I can to make this book the best it can be.
See tagged statuses in the local Tak's Reading Room community
Happy Book Birthday to me.
Now it's up to the vagaries of luck & timing. I've done everything I can to make this book the best it can be.
Are there any Sierra On-Line fans out there who would like this book for free? I've enjoyed reading it and would now like to pass it on to someone else to enjoy it :)
#Sierra #SierraOnLine #games #books #bookstodon #free #giveaway
Content warning Possible spoilers for David Mack's "Star Trek: Picard: Firewall". I don't say anything too specific, and nothing that I would call plot relevant, but some people might still count that as spoilers. Hence this CW.
I love visualising Seven in a mosh pit. LOVE IT! I love how several Trek shows are woven into this book. I love seeing some familiar characters of those shows. I love the scenes between Janeway and Seven. They truly are like mother and daughter. I love seeing Seven finding a purpose, a reason to carry on. I love seeing Seven learn and grow as a human. I love getting to know the Rangers, both as a whole and the individuals we meet. At the beginning of season 3 of Picard we shortly meet the Rangers and I didn't like how they were portrayed there, but after this book it makes sense now. Thank you, Mr. Mack for that.
The ending... what can I say without spoiling anything? Let's just say if you have seen the show you know what's going to come. [insert appropriate emoji]
January LaVoy is the queen of audio book narration and making characters sound like their actors. Thank you, Ms. LaVoy!
#StarTrek #TrekLit #StarTrekNovels #StarTrekBooks #bookstodon #StarTrekPicard
Content warning Andrew J. Robinson "A Stitch in Time" -- possible spoilers!
After another long break I powered through the last 4 1/2 hours today.
What a fantastic book! Robinson is as good at writing Garak as he is at playing him, both on screen and for this narration. He tells a life's story so full of heart break it was at time almost unbearable for me to listen. I took quite a few breaks and some of them of several weeks or even months. And yet, or exactly because of it, I say this is an absolute must read for any Garak fan. You may want to keep some tissues nearby. I love when Star Trek novels stray from the classic form of here's a problem and our heroes are going to solve it, including a space battle or two -- happy ending. This book is such a different novel: It is a memoir, and therefore a collection of incidents in Garak's life that lead him to Terok Nor, have him stay on Deep Space 9, and finally allow him to return to Cardassia. It's the tale of how he so desperately tries to earn his father's love and his peers' and superiors' respect, but only gets their despisement, and of how he endures it all. His observations about humanity and the Federation are spot on of course. How does the Federation survive? LOL
#StarTrek #TrekLit #StarTrekNovels #StarTrekBooks #bookstodon
I finished this recently and I want to pass it on to someone else who loved/loves #Sierra On-line games. Let me know if that's you!
Next up in my reading about the fashion/ garment industry. One chapter in I‘m already furious (about how men pushed women to the side because they felt disadvantaged).
I want to see many translations of this book.
Adapting & building community during social collapse. Prophetic for its time, remains unsettling. God as Change could be a genuinely useful belief system. Only half a book, with ending sudden & too convenient (there is a sequel).
Reading time 5 days, 62 pages/day