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Tak!'s books

Currently Reading

Daniel Abraham: Blade of Dream (2023, Orbit) 5 stars

Kithamar is a center of trade and wealth, an ancient city with a long, bloody …

Blade of Dream

4 stars

Blade of Dream is a very good sequel to Age of Ash. Instead of continuing the events from the previous book, it tells the story of different characters during the same time period. There are only a few points where events overlap, so it doesn't give that "ugh, I'm just reading a different flavor of the same story again" feeling that you can get from this approach.

I found it especially interesting that one of the main characters in Blade of Dream was a very marginal character in Age of Ash that one of the narrative characters had dismissed as a silly girl with no real agency (and thus the reader implicitly seeing her that way as well), and seeing the stark contrast here.

Daniel Abraham: Blade of Dream (2023, Little, Brown Book Group Limited) 5 stars

In the course of a single life, a man can be many things: a beloved child in a brightly embroidered gown, a street tough with a band of knifemen walking at his side, lover to a beautiful girl, husband to an honest woman, father to a child, grain sweeper in a brewery, widower, musician, and mendicant coughing his lungs up outside the city walls.

Blade of Dream by 


I checked twice during the prologue that I hadn't opened the wrong book by accident.

Jared Pechaček: The West Passage (2024, Doherty Associates, LLC, Tom) 4 stars

When the Guardian of the West Passage died in her bed, the women of Grey …

The West Passage

4 stars

This is eldritch horror without the Cthulhu. It is weird and obscure and extremely obsessed with architectural minutiae. It rambles quite a bit in the middle, but that's honestly consistent with the tone of the world.