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Joined 1 year, 4 months ago

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she/ her Stand with 🇺🇦 & 🇹🇼 FCKAFD & FCKNZS I'm into science fiction, urban fantasy, solarpunk (and adjacent genres). I love cook books. I'm very picky. I prefer audio books over text. Not because I don't enjoy actual reading, but because it allows me to combine books with other activities. I am not going to backlog all my books here, but just start from where I am right now. Sometimes I read/ listen to a number of books in a row, sometimes I take long breaks. Often in the middle of books. I usually do not write reviews. Though that seems to be changing... 🤔 Some of my ratings may change over time and I'll adjust accordingly.

How I rate: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - One of my all time faves ⭐⭐⭐⭐ - I enjoyed and liked it a lot ⭐⭐⭐ - I enjoyed and liked it ⭐⭐ - It's ok, I guess ⭐ - I didn't like it at all

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Elena.'s books

Currently Reading

2024 Reading Goal

66% complete! Elena. has read 16 of 24 books.

Una McCormack: Star Trek: Discovery: The Way to the Stars (AudiobookFormat, 2019, Simon & Schuster Audio) 5 stars

Despite being an inexperienced Starfleet cadet, Sylvia Tilly became essential to the USS Discovery finding …

Tilly's way to the stars

4 stars

When I was asking my fedi friends for cozy Trek novel recommendations, this was one of the books recommended to me. I was a bit skeptical about the book because of Tilly's not so good relationship with her mother. Something that I have struggled with all my life as well, I did not want to read a story about it. I feared it would be really uncomfortable and upsetting. I was reassured that that was not a big focus of the book (and it really isn't), so I got the audio book of it and... was a sobbing mess for the first part of it. LOL

So it did not start out very cozy and happy for me at all. LOL Part of that was due to how Tilly's mother behaves towards her, but a big part of it was due to how Tilly struggles at her school. I saw …

avatar for theresmiling Elena. boosted
Dipo Faloyin: Afrika ist kein Land (Paperback, 2022, Suhrkamp Verlag) 5 stars

Mehr als 1.4 Milliarden Menschen, 54 Länder, über 2.000 Sprachen, seit Jahrzehnten auf einfache Geschichten …

Du willst also einen Hollywood-Film über Afrika drehen?

Kein Grund, etwas Neues auszuprobieren.

Pitch einfach einen von diesen fünf: I: Typische, exotische afrikanische Savanne als Hintergrund einer frischen kolonialen Liebe, die einen Dorfjungen irgendwie dazu inspiriert, lesen zu lernen. (Vorgeschlagener Titel: Die Seele von Afrika oder Wiedergeburt). II: Eine reiche New Yorkerin, die ›keine Zeit für die Liebe‹ hat, ist gezwungen ihren einflussreichen Job aufzugeben. Sie ist überzeugt, dem Alltag auf einer Safari in Afrika zu entfliehen, wo der ausschweifende Lebensstil, an den sie sich gewöhnt hat, durch das einfache Dorfleben ersetzt wird. Dort trifft sie und verliebt sich schließlich in den einzigen anderen Weißen vor Ort - einen amerikanischen Landsmann, der seit Jahrzehnten unter Afrikanern lebt und sich so den Respekt der Einheimischen verdient hat. Die Anpassung an das afrikanische Leben ist zunächst ein Kampf, aber mit der Hilfe eines ganzen Dorfes, das nichts Besseres zu tun hat, entdeckt die New Yorkerin einen Teil von sich selbst, von dem sie nie geahnt hat, dass er existiert. Sie gibt etwas zurück, indem sie einem Dorfjungen das Lesen beibringt oder ein Tigerjunges vor Wilderern rettet. (Vorgeschlagener Titel: Wilde Liebe oder Mein afrikanisches Abenteuer). III: Ein junges Dorfkind lernt gegen alle Widrigkeiten lesen, um sein verarmtes Dorf zu retten. Der kleine Junge lernt nachts, unter einem notdürftigen Licht, hergestellt aus Draht und Hartnäckigkeit. (Vorgeschlagener Titel: Ein afrikanischer Traum oder Der Dienstjunge). IV: Eine Coming-of-Age-Geschichte über einen jungen Mann, der versucht seine Ambitionen mit dem in Einklang zu bringen, was seine Vorfahren von ihm erwarten. Ob er lesen kann, ist nicht entschieden. (Vorgeschlagener Titel: Der Spirit von Afrika oder Schicksal). V. Ein Thriller über einen Völkermord, der mehrere Dörfer zu zerstören droht, bis ein Weißer eingreift. Leider ist die Situation zu ernst, um lesen zu lernen, aber das ändert sich, als der Weiße zustimmt, einen ehemaligen Kindersoldaten zu adoptieren, der durch den Krieg verwaist ist, und sie zusammen nach Cleveland zurückkehren, wo das Kind lesen lernt, sodass es vor den Vereinten Nationen über die Not seines Landes sprechen kann (Vorgeschlagener,Titel: Tod in Afrika oder Die Wilden).

Afrika ist kein Land by 

Content warning Spoilers for Star Trek: Sarek by A. C. Crispin

reviewed Star Trek: Sarek by A. C. Crispin (Star Trek)

A. C. Crispin: Star Trek: Sarek (AudiobookFormat, 2012) 1 star

Spock's mother, Amanda Grayson, is dying, and Spock returns to the planet Vulcan where he …

My eyemuscles weren't powerful enough to keep a straight and beautiful pokerface.

1 star

The amount of eyerolling, sighing, facepalming, and "Oh god, what!? No!" and similar commenting I did was too high to count. I thought about giving this 2 stars, but the longer it went on the more frustrated I became. So 1 star is all I can give.

A lot of this book is a regurgitation of scenes and quotes from TOS episodes and films. It sometimes feels like a badly re-enacted clip show. It's just too much. By a lot. The part about Amanda dying (no spoiler, it literally says on the blurb) left me cold, and her diary entries are beyond juvenile. (I am an avid journaler myself. A journal should never ever be censored or edited. Be as juvenile as you want in yours. I know that I am, and it is very cathartic. But I don't think it makes for good literature.) The part about Peter's stay … Thank you! I really enjoy Bookwyrm. I once had a Goodreads account but deleted it eventually because I really didn't use it. But since I've made this account here I started to write about the books I read. It's never a really thorough review, others can write amazing ones, but I still enjoy writing down my thoughts. And I enjoy recording my reading here. I also find books that I would have never known existed, but sound really interesting. I may not read them all, but I put them on my list anyway, to not forget them should I want to read something different from my usual interests.

reviewed Star Trek: Destiny: The Complete Saga by David Mack (Star Trek: Destiny, #1-3)

David Mack: Star Trek: Destiny: The Complete Saga (EBook, 2013, Simon & Schuster) 5 stars

The omnibus edition of an epic crossover trilogy uniting characters from every corner of the …

Epic, intense, satisfying -- one of the best Trek books.

5 stars

Content warning Star Trek: Destiny - The Complete Saga -- Spoilers

commented on Star Trek: Destiny: The Complete Saga by David Mack (Star Trek: Destiny, #1-3)

David Mack: Star Trek: Destiny: The Complete Saga (EBook, 2013, Simon & Schuster) 5 stars

The omnibus edition of an epic crossover trilogy uniting characters from every corner of the …

Star Trek: Destiny -- Book 3: Lost Souls ⭐⭐⭐⭐

It was another intense book, I am exhausted! Especially the stuff that happened on that "frozen ass" planet was hard for me to read. But also the invasion and battle scenes were emotional. I had tears in my eyes more than once. Everything comes together now, all threads find a satisfying conclusion. In a story that big, that is not necessarily a given. Mack nails it. I like Captain Hernandez. When I went into this trilogy I was not happy with how her original mission went. I thought she deserved better. But her story took quite a turn and I like it. Will we ever see her and the Caeliar again? I hope so! As for the big bad I will write more in another post, which will then be behind a CW for spoilers. I don't know how to write …