Reviews and Comments


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Andrea Stewart: The Bone Shard Emperor (2021, Little, Brown Book Group Limited) 4 stars

The Emperor is Dead. Long live the Emperor.     Lin Sukai finally sits on the throne …

The Bone Shard Emperor

4 stars

A very good continuation from The Bone Shard Daughter.

My one issue with the writing around the interpersonal interactions is that it relies heavily on the characters all assuming the worst of everything each other say and do, and refusing to communicate with each other - which is becoming the third-millennium version of "forcing characters to make irrational decisions to make the plot exciting" in my imo.

Veo Corva: Books & Bone (2019, Witch Key Fiction) 4 stars

A Librarians-and-Necromancy Fantasy with Small Town Charm in a City of the Dead

The others …

Max Gladstone, Amal El-Mohtar: This Is How You Lose the Time War (Hardcover, 2019, Simon and Schuster) 5 stars

Two time-traveling agents from warring futures, working their way through the past, begin to exchange …

This Is How You Lose The Time War

5 stars

The first quarter reminded me of Doomsday Book and One Day All This Will Be Yours, and the last quarter reminded me of that Iain M. Banks book (I won't say which one because it would spoil either this or that if you haven't read both, but go read Culture (except for Consider Phlebas)).

The prose was everything I've come to expect from Max Gladstone, and now I'll have to try something else by El-Mohtar.