La notte di Babbo Maiale

Paperback con alette, 336 pages

italiano language

Published Oct. 20, 2023 by Salani.

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5 stars (3 reviews)

Mondo Disco è molto simile alla nostra Terra, se solo questa fosse un disco piatto sorretto da quattro elefanti che stanno sul dorso di una gigantesca tartaruga. Ma non è solo questo a renderlo straordinario: la superstizione qui ha un potere reale, e metterla in discussione può avere conseguenze catastrofiche. Quando il 32 dicembre, la notte di Hogswatch, alcune oscure figure ordinano alla Gilda degli Assassini di far sparire Babbo Maiale, il leggendario suino che porta regali su una slitta trainata da porcelli, Morte, il temuto cavaliere dell'Apocalisse, decide di prenderne il posto per salvare le feste. Ma c'è un piccolo problema: vedere uno scheletro alto più di due metri strisciare giù per il camino ed esclamare: ‘HO HO HO' ecco, non rende proprio al massimo l'atmosfera natalizia. La giovane Susan, nipote di Morte, deve intervenire prima che sia troppo tardi. Perché se non riesce a sistemare le cose entro …

9 editions

reviewed Hogfather by Terry Pratchett

Holiday reading

5 stars

A few years back, I added this to my list of Christmas reads - books I reread (or at least think about rereading) every year during the holidays, books that get me in the mood, because of content (this one, obviously) or past associations (Lord of the Rings) or because somehow they seem to me to suit the season, in the same way that fires, green branches inside, lights, rich food and so on do, that contribute to the hygge.

Hogfather is set in Discworld, where most of Terry Pratchett's books are set. Like most of his books, it riffs off some aspect of our world - in this case Christmas - in a satirical but loving and insightful way. In this book, the Hogfather - a Santa Claus/Spirit of the Solstice figure - is incapacitated by some creatures who are opposed to human creativity. And Death has to step …

Review of 'Hogfather' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

How would you go about killing someone who was never really alive – not in the usual sense of the word? Mr Teatime (pronounced teh-ah-tim-eh) knows exactly how he'd do it.

As philosophical textbooks go, this is a stonker. What is the nature of belief? How do beliefs interact with reality? How do they colour our view of reality?

As for zingy and/or pithy moments … this books got them in spades.
“The phrase 'Someone ought to do something' was not, by itself, a helpful one. People who used it never added the rider 'and that someone is me'.”

As a novel, though, this one falls a bit short. The plot meanders a bit too much for my liking.

Very good, but not Sir Pterry's finest.

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5 stars


  • umorismo
  • narrativa inglese
  • fantasy