Technically Faking


English language

Published Sept. 30, 2019

4 stars (1 review)

Iris Spark knows exactly what she wants.

It hasn’t made her many friends, but it has made her a fixture on all the best ‘Under 30’ lists in Silicon Valley and the CEO of SparkSignal, a company she built from nothing.

And now it’s about to make her unemployed.

The Board of Directors wants her out. They say she’s difficult. Abrasive. They’ve already set the date to vote in her replacement: someone charming and easily controlled.

Her assistant has a plan. One last-ditch effort to overhaul her image.

Amber Kowalczyk has lived the hustle so long she is the hustle. And she loves it. She loves her little social media empire and everything it takes to keep on top of it. What she doesn’t love is the rising cost of rent that makes staying in her corner of San Francisco look more and more impossible.

But when a cheeky caption …

1 edition

Shell scripts are her love language, and I like it.

4 stars

Aaaah! It's sapphic fake-dating between a techie who reads as autistic and someone who appreciates her frankness. Writing is good, plot moves fast, not too much angst for my taste at the moment.

Iris is a little stereotype-y (brilliant coder who is also successful in business in spite of not being good with people) and I'm not convinced that she would still be doing code reviews as CEO of a sizeable tech company. Even so, I really enjoyed her character. Many of the technical details were reasonably plausible.

I could have done with a little less of a "for-profit silicon valley tech entrepreneurs with brilliant ideas can change the world" attitude, though. Not that it was a major plot point, but it was definitely present.

The epilogue from a different POV was a fun twist; now I want to read a book about Carrie.

Oh, and it had some sex …