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I'm primarily a fantasy enthusiast though you might occasionally spot me reading something else. Here to keep track of and sometimes comment upon the books I read.

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ObscureGodOfTea's books

finished reading Boy Meets Maria by Peyo

Peyo: Boy Meets Maria (Paperback, Português language, 2022, NewPop) 5 stars

Taiga, que sempre teve uma grande admiração por heróis desde sua infância, encontra sua garota …

Content warning includes general mentions of things that aren't revealed at the start of the story but also I talk about why I wouldn't reccomend reading it in the first place

Yuki Suenaga, Takamasa Moue: Akane-Banashi, Vol. 1 (2023, Viz Media) No rating

Read this over the weekend & enjoyed it a lot! I was looking for something to read so tried out the first couple chapters of a few random series and this was the third one (third time really is the charm). I enjoy these kinds of competitive non-sport manga and I love to see ones that dive into specific cultural traditions. The art of the series really suited the theme, the stylized exaggerated expressions really sold what the story was trying to show. I did have a bit of trouble following the hierarchies and structures (of like. who was in which school. what schools were at odds with each other and why. ect. especially since a lot of them are at odds with something they're also a part of? and that's never explained outright. looking it up on the wiki cleared it up though). considering if I want to add …

Umebachi Yamanaka: Matcha Made in Heaven, Vol 1 (EBook, 2022, Kodansha International) No rating

Chako Hananoki thought she’d found happiness in a handsome fiancé, but when she realized a …

Cute concept but there are so many things about this series which suck. The pacing is all over the place, the love interest is a jerk (I like awkward bad at communicating love interests as much as the next guy, but this one is just an asshole), the whole fake marriage is extremely contrived (and the bar is LOW for what I'll suspend my disbelief for), and all the side characters are really shallowly written

Yukino Sonoyama: Bless, Vol 1 (Paperback, 2024, Kodansha International) No rating

At a young age, Aia Utagawa was scouted as a model, but his real ambition …

One of those competitive shounen manga, the same kind of format a sports manga would be except about the creative process. Always fun to read as an artist. Gorgeous visuals too, thought this is one of the rare times I'm reading a black and white comic where I wish it was in color. Color is so important to this series and mentioned so often... I wish at least the final make-up reveals got color pages.

Terry Pratchett: The Light Fantastic (Paperback, 1988, Penguin) 4 stars

The Light Fantastic is a comic fantasy novel by Terry Pratchett, the second of the …

Technically I've read this before, but it was in the form of listening to it as an audiobook playing while on a road trip with my father. The thing about consuming any sort of media with my dad is I'm going to miss parts of it when he doesn't wait for me and the thing about audiobooks is I'm going to miss parts of them as I zone out. This time I'll hopefully get the full experiance :)

小神 奈々, 米織, 仁藤 あかね: 捨てられ聖女の異世界ごはん旅, 1 (Paperback, Japanese language, 2021, KADOKAWA)

捨てられ聖女の異世界ごはん旅, 1 by , ,


趣味のソロ釣りキャンプから帰る途中、突然美少女JKと共に聖女召喚をされたリン。 だが、クズスキルだといわれ、あっという間に異世界放り出されてしまう… しかしリンのスキルは特殊環境下でのみ実力を発揮する、超有能スキルだった!! アウトドア好きの血が騒ぎ、早速超有能スキルの【野営車両(モーターハウス)】で異世界を移動し、釣りを楽しんでいると流れてきたのは……冒険者!? この出会いから、リンの異世界グルメ旅が始まる!