Tak's Reading Room

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Recent Books

Grace Curtis: Floating Hotel (2024, DAW) 3 stars

Floating Hotel


Welcome to the Grand Abeona Hotel: home of the finest food, the sweetest service, and the very best views the galaxy has to offer. All year round it moves from planet to planet, system to system, pampering guests across the furthest reaches of the milky way. The last word in …

Adrian Tchaikovsky: Days of Shattered Faith (2024) 4 stars

Days of Shattered Faith


Welcome to Alkhalend, Jewel of the Waters, capital of Usmai, greatest of the Successor States, inheritor to the necromantic dominion that was the Moeribandi Empire and tomorrow's frontline in the Palleseen's relentless march to bring Perfection and Correctness to an imperfect world.

Loret is fresh off the boat, and just …